List of Submissions
When it is felt appropriate, the Catholic Medical
Association - usually through the Joint
Ethico-Medical Committee (JE-MC) makes submissions to government and
other bodies. This is usually in response to a consultation
document from that body.
The Joint Ethico-Medical Committee is composed of members drawn from
the two parent bodies, the Catholic Union of Great Britain and the Catholic
Medical Association.
Submission to the World Medical Association - draft of International Code of Medical Ethics (May 2021)
Response to government consultation on distribution of COVID vaccine before licence issued. (Oct 2020)
- Response to the United Nations Consultation on the General Comment No 36 on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), on the Right to Life. (Aug 2018)
- Submission to The General Pharmaceutical Council Consultation on: Religion, Personal Values and Beliefs (March 2017)
- Submission to Irish Citizens’ Assembly – Eighth Amendment Debate (Dec 2016)
- Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Freedom of Conscience in Abortion Provision (Nov 2016)
- Submission to the Colleges of Surgeons about Equality and Diversity in Surgery (May 2016)
- CMA Submission to New Zealand on Euthanasia and Physician Assistes Suicide (Jan 2016)
- Response to NICE 'Care of the Dying Adult' draft guidance (Sept 2015)
- Consultation on Personal, Social, Health and Economic education and Sex and Relationships Education in schools (June 2014)
- Response to consultation on replacement of the Liverpool Care Pathway
- DoH Consultation on Mitochondrial Donation (May 2014)
- LCP - Submission to Baroness Neuberger (March 2013)
- Personal Beliefs - Submission to GMC (June 2012)
- Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill (pdf) - Aug 2012
- Induced Abortion and Mental Health (pdf) - June 2011
- Response to DPP Consultation on Assisted Suicide - May 2010
- Human Tissue and Embryo Bill - Sept 2007
- Prolonging life in fetuses and newborn - June 2005
- DoH consultation on HFEA - Nov 2005
- Assisted Dying Bill - Sept 2004
- Draft Mental Incapacity Bill - Sept 2003
- Consent in Clinical Trials - May 2003
- HFEA Sex selection - Jan 2003
- Lord Chancellor - Who decides - July 2002
- DOH - Medical Research - Jan 2002
- GMC - Withdrawal of Treatment - July 2001
- House of Lords - Cloning - May 2001
- Briefing paper for MPs on cloning - Oct 2000
- HGC - Antenatal screening tests - Sept 2000
- Emergency contraception, sale over the counter - June 2000
- Mental Incapacity - response to 'Making Decisions' - Dec 1999
- Euthanasia - submission to Royal Colleges working party - Dec 1999
- Cloning - submission to CMO's expert group on cloning - Oct 1999
- Reform of House of Lords - May 1999
- Mental Disorders and Genetics - Dec 1998
- BMA - Withdrawing and Witholding Treatment - Oct 98
- Lord Chancellor's Green Paper "Who Decides" on Mental Incapacity - March 98
- HGAC/HFEA - Cloning March 98
- RCPaed - Withdrawal of Treatment Nov 97
- Scottish Office - Welfare of Incapable Adults May 97
- MRC - Genes and the Mind May 97
- Nuffield - Mental disorders & Genetics May 97
- Law Commission - Consent in Criminal Law June 96
- DOH - Xenotranplantation March 96
- Scottish Law Commission Paper 151 - Incapable Adults 1996
- Law Commission - Mental Incapacity (Report 231) July 95
- BMA - Living Wills Oct 94
- HFEA - Donated Ovarian Tissue June 94
- Law Commission - Mental Incapacity (Paper 129) July 93
- House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics May 93