
Who am I to judge?

Dr Pravin Thevathasan

The Catholic Church has consistently upheld the right to life of all people, including the unborn. With the result that it states killing unborn children is wrong. I know of some women who really struggled with this issue. But who am I to judge the consistent teaching of the Church?

The Catholic Church has consistently promoted and proclaimed the value and beauty of sexual relations within marriage between husband and wife. She has condemned both sex outside of marriage and homosexual acts. I know of good people who do not accept this teaching. But who am I to judge the consistent teaching of the Church?

The Catholic has consistently affirmed the beauty of married life and in Humanae Vitae she set out that marriage is permanent, a 100% commitment of spouse to spouse, exclusive of all others, and open to life. And as a result of that, Holy Mother the Church sees that contraceptive acts disrupt the very core of the married relationship.

But the great failure of the last 60 years has been getting that message across to the laity and to wider society. It cannot be surprising therefore that while no-one tells them why contraception is not allowed, a very large proportion of the laity ignore this teaching. But that does not mean that we should reject the consistent teaching of the Church