Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 73(1) February 2023


A Pro-Life teaching moment

Dr Pravin Thevathasan

"And what laws are these States prepared to pass - what resources are they prepared to provide - to support these women and the children they will bear?"

These words were uttered by pro-abortion senator Patrick Leahy. He was commenting on American States intending to ban or virtually ban all abortions. To "bear a child," according to my Dictionary relates to the entire process of being pregnant and subsequently giving birth. A pro-abortionist is admitting that a woman bears a child, not a product of conception.

With these remarkable words, Senator Leahy will be remembered as a politician who sought to perpetuate the legalised killing of innocent unborn children.


The Wanderer (Sept 2022)

A Pillar of Faith?

Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia is president of The Pontifical Academy for Life. He has stated that the law legalising abortion in Italy is a "pillar of society." The academy said what Paglia meant by "pillar" was that "it is impossible to abolish" this law.

With all due respect, there are some pillars that need to fall down. This includes laws that legalise the intentional killing of innocent human beings.


Catholic News Agency (August 29, 2022)