Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 72 (4) November 2022

In This IssueCMQ Cover

Our 100th Birthday


Thank you Archbishop Cordileone!
Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Why do pro choice campaigners reject Abortion Pill Reversal
Michal Pruski


Vatican publishes "Keys to Bioethics; A Manual for Youth

Conscience, health care professionals, the World Medical Association and the General Medical Council


An open letter to the World Medical Association on Conscientious Objection

Faith In Medicine

Honour the Physician: Healing in the Bible
Edward Hopkins

What is Life? Scientific indication for God
Dr Peter Williams

Taking death seriously: why we need  philosophy and theology when thinking about dying, death and end-of-life-care
Dr Pia Matthews


The use and misuse of the ReSPECT Form
Dr Tony Cole

Fertility Awareness Methods
Dr Jessica Beckett

From the John Paul II Acadamy for Human Life and Family
Dr Thomas Ward

Archie Battersbee and brain death criteria
Fr Michael Jarmulowicz

'Equality of arms" in complex medical cases that go to court
Dr AP Cole & Dr JG Duddington

The abortion pill reversal fight continues
Michal Pruski, Dominic Whitehouse, Steven Bow

Being an abortion provider as a conflict of interest
Dr Michal Pruski


Responce of the Medical Ethics Alliance to the Good Medical Practice Consultation
Dr A P Cole

Book Reviews

It's not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick
Fr Michael Stack

Bioethics for nurses. A Christian moral vision
Alisha N Mack and Charles C Camosy

Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on happiness and ultimate purpose
J Budziszewski

Ego Eimi.  It is I: Falling in Eucharistic Love
Fr Armand de Malleray

Lived Christianity
Dom Francois De Sales Pollien Caix

Everywhen. God, Symmetry, and Time
Thomas P. Sheahen, Ph.D

The Genesis of Gender. A Christian Theory
Dom Francois De Sales Pollien Caix

Tragic Dilemmas in Christian Ethics
Dom Francois De Sales Pollien Caix