Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 71(4) November 2021


CMQ Nov 2021 CoverHealing Divisions: A case for Tolerance and Diversity within the Catholic Church
Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Legalising Assisted Suicide
Dr Adrian Treloar

On the Long March Through the Institutions: silencing our faith and free speech
Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Stop Press

Good news about the Assisted Dying Bill

Mandatory vaccination for Covid and other illnesses: a personal view Dr Adrian Treloar

Assisted Suicide: The Meacher Bill is Not Assisted Dying but Euthanasia
Dr Tony Cole and Dr John Duddington


Letting Go and Letting God. Our right to life
Dr Catherine Manghan

Confession and Mental Health
Dr Pravin Thevathasan


BMA changes its position on Assisted Suicide

Our duty of care: Healthcare professionals opposing assisted suicide & euthanasia
What do our colleagues say about assisted suicide?

Prolonged disorders of consciousness: a critical evaluation of the new UK guidelines

Highest number of abortions since records began in England and Wales

Abortion Pill Reversal: an update

On the Pandemic and the vaccines
Prof Roberto de Mattei

Book Reviews

Jesus The Master Psychologist. Listen to him
by Dr Ray Guarendi

Flourish A New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being and How to Achieve Them
by Martin Seligman

The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision
by Erika Bachiochi

Marriage and Divorce in the Liberal Imagination
by Colin Hart

Recent Catholic Philosophy: The Twentieth Century
by Alan Vincelette

Artificial Intelligence, Reincarnation & Resurrection. An Inquiry Into The Ultimate Fulfilment of Human Nature by Ernest M. Valea

Catholic Bishops Speak on Assisted Suicide

Faith leaders warn of risk to vulnerable posed by Assisted Dying Bill

Bishop Sherrington - We will continue to scrutinise and challenge the Assisted Dying Bill


Nuala Ann Scarisbrick: Life’s chief animator