Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 69(1) February 2019 


Doctors with Africa CUAMM

mother in africaFounded in 1950 by the Bishop of Padua, Doctors with Africa CUAMM (Collegio Universitario Aspiranti Medici Missionari) was the first Italian NGO focused on healthcare. It is now the country’s leading organization working to protect and improve the wellbeing and health of vulnerable communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. CUAMM’s Mission is to advocate the universal right to health and promote the values of international solidarity, justice and peace. CUAMM believes in driving development through strengthening African Health Systems. This strategy is consistent with the ideals and experiences of over 60 years of fieldwork in Africa in both emergency and development-oriented settings with the perspective to contribute to make communities more resilient and autonomous. Today, CUAMM works in Angola, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

It operates in 23 hospitals, 64 districts, 3 nursing and midwifery schools and 1 University. Ninety per-cent of 2.233 staff is African. CUAMM’s priority areas of intervention are maternal and child health, infectious diseases, nutrition, Non-communicable diseases and Universal Health Coverage. CUAMM is also active in the field of operational research collaborating with African institutions, research centres, academies and other non-profit organizations to inform the public and raise awareness on the value of health as a fundamental human right and essential component for the full development of human potential. CUAMM’s headquarter is Italy with an affiliated branch in UK (CUAMM UK) and in the USA (CUAMM USA).

Doctors with Africa CUAMM offers the opportunity to doctors to work in one of the hospitals targeted by its projects.