Catholic Medical Quarterly Volume 65(1) February 2015

In this issue

This edition is, we are afraid, filled with a large number of major stories and issues. The CMA was very proud to welcome Cardinal Nichols for a wonderful student day in Westminster. And also to hear of the Holy Father’s firm encouragement of doctors towards civil disobedience before they cooperate with abortions and euthanasia.

But the news has been filled with issues of great concern to us all and this issue is filled with reports of those. From the appalling fear that tetanus vaccines have been used to forcibly sterilise women in Kenya, and the very serious failure of the Glasgow Midwives case to be won, through to issues of doctors’ training in reproductive health and sex and relationships education and of the replacement to the LCP, we have found our journal filled to the brim. And of course with its central role in health and everything, we also felt we must cover the synod on the Family.

I am writing this just after Christmas and you will be reading it in Lent. As Cardinal Nichols acknowledged the challenges students face: 'As evangelists in the world of healthcare you confront incredibly complex ethical questions. You need to give strong and courageous witness to the inviolable and instrinsic worth of every human life from conception to natural end. You will, and already do, face determined and sometimes aggressive opposition. Never let this deter you from engaging in debates about euthanasia, abortion, fertility, the just provision of care for all irrespective of financial means, age, or illness.'

We should all do as Cardinal Nichols suggests; “If you can, please try to attend Mass daily - especially if celebrated at your place of study or practice. You don’t need to advertise loudly you’re off to Mass; but others will notice you are - and it will have an evangelising effect, believe me”. We have much to do, and must pray and seek the support of the Holy Spirit.

Welcome to Lent!

Adrian Treloar